
What Is the Resistance Band Squat

If you’ve been into fitness for some time, you’ve probably realized that versatility is key. That’s why resistance band squats are a go-to for anyone looking to strengthen their lower body without the need for heavy equipment. 

Resistance band squats are a variation of the classic squat where you do it with additional tension. The band works to engage not just your glutes, quads, and hamstrings making it harder, and therefore, more beneficial than the traditional squat.

The beauty of this exercise lies in its adaptability. With resistance bands available in various levels of tension, you can adjust the intensity to match whatever your fitness level is. This exercise is great whether you’re at the gym, at home, or traveling, so keep reading to understand how to master it!

How to Do Resistance Band Squats

  1. Step on the band with both feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the handles with each hand, then stand up straight.

  2. Slowly squat and lower the weight until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

  3. Squeeze your glutes and return to the starting position.

Muscle Worked

Primary Muscle Groups


The glutes help you extend your thighs from the hips and drive you forward.


The hamstrings flex your knees and extend and rotate your hips


"Quads" refers to your quadriceps femoris muscles which flex your leg from the hip joint and extend your leg from the knee joint.

Secondary Muscle Groups


"Abs" refers to your abdominal muscles, which sit at the front of your trunk between your ribcage and pelvis


The adductors are the muscles on the insides of your thighs that move your legs toward the midline of your body

Lower Back

The low back helps stabilize your spinal column and connects your upper body to your pelvis.


The calves are the muscles at the back of the lower part of your legs

Pro Tips

  • Avoid letting the band pull your knees inward — maintaining alignment is key for both effectiveness and injury prevention.

  • Start with Light Resistance: If you are new to fitness, use a band with low tension and slowly increase it as you become stronger.


Resistance Band

Resistance bands offer pre-set resistance to replicate the weight or pressure exerted by exercise machines

Benefits of Resistance Band Squats

  • Builds Lower Body Strength: Targets glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

  • Enhances Stability and Balance: The band also challenges your core improving on your balance.


The following exercises target the same primary muscles using different equipment:

Complementary Stretches

Before Your Workout

  1. Cat-Cow Stretch: Mobilize your spine and activate your core.

  2. Hip Flexor Stretch: Loosen up tight hips for better squat depth.

  3. Dynamic Lunges: Warm up your quads and glutes.

After Your Workout

  1. Child’s Pose: Stretch your lower back and hips.

  2. Seated Hamstring Stretch: Release tension in your hamstrings.

  3. Figure-Four Stretch: Target your glutes and hip abductors.


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