5 Best Leg Press Alternatives For Building Muscle

Discover the best leg press alternatives that you can do at home and gym, including Front Squat, Step-ups, and best leg press machine workout

Flex Editorial Team
June 17, 2024
6 min read

Looking for a leg press alternative? We can help you!

The leg press machine is both loved and hated at the same time. Some believe it is the best leg exercise ever, especially for the quads, while others think it doesn't get even close to the barbell squat supremacy.

No matter where you stand on this ever-lasting feud, it’s always good to know alternatives for popular exercises, be it because there’s no machine available in your current training situation or just because you feel like changing things up in your workout routine.

In this article, we’ll get to know some great leg press alternatives that can be tailored to different situations: at home, with free weights, and even with different machines that accomplish the same purpose.

Understanding the Muscles Involved in The Leg Press Machine

To find the best leg press alternative for your needs, we first need to understand which muscles and muscle groups the leg press machine targets:

1. The Quadriceps

The main muscle groups the leg press machine works on are the quadriceps. These are the biggest and strongest muscle groups in your whole body and they are the ones that allow our knees to extend! They have also been known to look great with a pump.

Quadriceps picture

2. The Glutes

Did you know your glutes are not one big muscle? They are composed of 3 main muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

Fun Fact: the gluteus maximus is the single biggest muscle in your body! The quads don’t count because they are a muscle group and are actually composed of several smaller muscles.

Glutes parts

Anyway, the glutes are a super underrated muscle group. Besides being a fundamental part of every great-looking physique, they play a big part in stabilizing our upper body and allowing us to walk standing up.

3. The Hamstrings

Everyone knows that person who is obsessed with working out their hamstrings and checking them in the mirror later. Maybe you’re even one of them, and if you are, know that that’s totally okay, and we understand you.

The hamstrings (Its main muscle is called bicep femoris) are located on the posterior side of your thigh, and just like the quads, they have insertions at the hips and at the knees.

Also, just like the quads, they play a part in the bending of the knee and the extension of the hips. Finally, the hamstrings also serve as protection for the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), the most important stabilizer of the knee.

Biceps fermoris

4. The Calves

Finally, there are the calves.

Often underappreciated, the calves are composed mainly of the gastrocnemius muscle and ensure that we can point our toes down (also called plantar flexion). They also grant the explosiveness needed to run and jump, so a really important muscle for athletes overall.

leg muscles

Best Leg Press Alternatives With No Machine

Free weight exercises are a great way to practice balance and reinforce core muscles while still targeting specific muscle groups.

To do the leg press alternatives below, you’ll only need a barbell and plates, but you can also use dumbbells or kettlebells. It will depend on what you have available and your personal taste.

1. The Front Squat

Front Squats are famous for being hard in the weightlifting world, but their results are worth it! They are performed similarly to a regular barbell squat, the distinction lies in the barbell placement.

On the front squat, you’ll place the barbell on the upper part of your chest, right next to the shoulders. This exercise is sure to work those quads while  focusing on  the glutes, hamstrings, and calves. The front squat also does a good job of improving shoulder and wrist mobility.

Pro tip: The higher you position your elbows while doing the front squat, the better the weight is sitting on your chest. This ensures proper form while squatting and alleviates your shoulders.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Flex your wrists and place the barbell with the appropriate weight on the upper part of your chest, close to the shoulders.
  • With your back straight and core braced, lower yourself into a sitting motion: bend your knees and move your hips back.
  • Slowly make your way back up.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps and sets.

Note: If you are adding squats to your workout routine, it's essential to learn more about doing squats and deadlifts the same day.

2. Bulgarian Split Squat

This is one of the greatest quad builders out there! It is a single-leg press alternative, and all you need to perform them is an elevated surface where you can rest your foot (preferably a bench or a box) and a set of weights, such as dumbbells or kettlebells.

  • Put your elevated surface of preference behind you and rest one of your feet over it.
  • With your weight in hand, slowly bend the knee from your straight leg until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Your other knee should be pointing as much to the ground as possible.

Pro tip: It’s better if your knee can go over your toes while performing this leg press alternative. (check the knees over toes program for more info)

  • Slowly make your way back up.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps and sets.

Best Leg Press Alternatives At Home

If you work out from home and don’t have access to gym equipment such as barbells and dumbbells, you can try a leg press alternative using home equipment such as a resistance band.

3. Leg Press With Resistance Band

For this exercise, you’ll need a thick resistance band. It will probably not work doing it with thinner resistance bands since you’ll not be able to get the appropriate resistance.

  • Lay on your back on the ground with your resistance band going from your back to the middle of the soles of your feet.
  • Push in a 45º angle to get the most resistance out of your band.
  • Remember not to arch your back while doing it; engage your core muscles as hard as you can.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps and sets.

Pro tip: You can grab the band with your hands close to your legs while you do it. That way, you can get an even greater resistance and a harder workout.

4. Step-ups

The step-ups are as straightforward as a leg exercise can be. Simply grab a bench or a box and step on  it to activate those quad muscles.

You can hold weights on each hand to increase the difficulty of the exercise. These can be standard dumbbells, but any heavy item such as rice bags (depending on your strength level) will work.

Note: Whatever you are stepping up into, it should be of sufficient height so your knee is on a 90º degree angle.

  • Place one foot up your elevated surface, and make sure your knee is on a 90º angle.
  • Step up the box and reach a full standing stance with both feet at the top of the elevated surface. Remember to use only the leg you are working on. Don’t cheat by getting impulse with the other leg.
  • Go back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps and sets.

Best Leg Press Machine Alternative

Now, if you are looking for a leg press machine alternative, whether your gym doesn't have one or maybe it does, but it is always busy, you should try the pendulum squat machine. Just like the leg press, it does a great job of working all your leg muscles.

5. Pendulum Squat

Here’s how to properly use the pendulum squat machine:

  • With a challenging amount of weight loaded up, stand on the machine’s plate with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Rest your shoulders on the shoulder pads, keep your back straight, and brace those core muscles.
  • Grab the machine’s handles and start bending your knees as the machine guides your movement. Think of a sitting motion. Keep your knees firm, and don’t let them lock inward.
  • When you reach the end of the squat, push with your heels until you reach the starting position again.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps and sets.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to find a leg press alternative. Hopefully, you’ve found this article useful and are prepared to tackle your next leg day without needing a leg press machine.

Always warm up before working out, and if you are a beginner, remember to always start slow. Don't hesitate to ask for help from a professional, or you can always return to this article if any doubts arise.

Finally, if this article made you curious about the leg press, we have a couple more that you may find interesting. Check them out:

Ready to take your leg day gains to the next level? Download the Flex APP and enjoy all its benefits, from an auto-progression tracker to a plate calculator and a community that cheers you on. Get fit with Flex!

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