The sumo squat is a deep squat position using a wider stance and an outward-pointing angle of the toes. The sumo position aims to recruit more inner thigh muscle (adductor) activation compared to a traditional squat. In this squat variation, you stand with your feet more than hip- width apart to engage the groups of muscles located around your thighs. You can do sumo squats with just your bodyweight, or using a barbell for strength training, depending on your preference. You can also use a dumbbell or kettlebell. In this exercise, it is important to engage your core muscles in your squat and in your standing position to prevent injury.
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using the same equipment:
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using different equipment:
Try using banded hip abduction as a warm-up for sumo squats. This will get you to engage your abductor and adductor muscles.
Use a figure 4 stretch to elongate the glute muscles after sumo squats.
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