A standing dumbbell tricep extension is a resistance exercise that uses an overhead movement to target the triceps brachii. Typically weightlifters perform this exercise using a single large dumbbell for resistance. This exercise is beneficial for increasing the strength and size of your triceps brachii muscles. These muscles are located on the backs of your upper arms. By performing this exercise with proper technique, you can improve your performance in sports where you use a lot of tricep strength to throw or push your body upwards.
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using the same equipment:
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using different equipment:
To warm up before standing dumbbell tricep extension, try arm circles. These involve rotating your arms in circles to energize you, increase blood flow and wake up your shoulder joints.
To cool down after standing dumbbell extension, use a tricep stretch. This will help you lengthen out your triceps after working them. To perform this stretch:
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