A standing dumbbell tricep extension is a resistance exercise that uses an overhead movement to target the triceps brachii. Typically weightlifters perform this exercise using a single large dumbbell for resistance.
This exercise is beneficial for increasing the strength and size of your triceps brachii muscles. These muscles are located on the backs of your upper arms. By performing this exercise with proper technique, you can improve your performance in sports where you use a lot of tricep strength to throw or push your body upwards.
Stand upright and hold a single dumbbell with your arms extended overhead, shoulder-width apart, palms facing forward.
Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until your forearms touch your upper arms.
Raise the dumbbell back to the starting position.
Muscle Worked
Primary Muscle Groups
The triceps are the muscles on the backs of your upper arms
Secondary Muscle Groups
The forearms help you grip objects and move your hands, wrists and fingers
Your shoulders are ball-and-socket joints which connect your arms to your torso
Pro Tips
If you find yourself arching your back or falling off balance as you stand, try performing this exercise with a split stance. This means you put one foot in front of the other rather than keeping them side by side.
Don’t choose a weight that is too heavy. If you are new to this lift, choose a medium weight so that gravity does not pull your dumbbell down too quickly.
Try to keep your biceps up against your ears so your elbows don’t flare out too wide during this exercise.
Dumbbells are hand-gripped bars loaded with equal weight on both ends
This is a helpful move to build more muscle mass. Training your triceps help you achieve hypertrophy to grow bigger muscles. To understand more about growing your triceps, you can read more about Triceps Brachii Hypertrophy.
You may improve your athletic performance in sports that involve tricep strength.
You can work towards a more attractive physique with proportionate arms.
Warm Up & Cool Down
Warm Up
To warm up before standing dumbbell tricep extension, try arm circles. These involve rotating your arms in circles to energize you, increase blood flow and wake up your shoulder joints.
Roll each arm at the shoulder joint in circles. Start small, increasing the size of the circles until you are making wide arm circles.
Reverse the direction of your arm circles, starting with big circles and getting smaller.
Cool Down
To cool down after standing dumbbell extension, use a tricep stretch. This will help you lengthen out your triceps after working them. To perform this stretch:
Raise one arm over your and bend your elbow. Push your elbow towards the center of your back with your other hand. You should be able to feel a stretch. Hold your stretch for up to 30 seconds, or as long as you need, then switch arms.
Skull crushers are performed lying on a bench. In a skull crusher, you typically lift a barbell down towards your forehead, in a position where it would hit your head (or crush your skull) if dropped.
Both variations are effective for targeting your triceps, but you get more core activation and stability training if you perform this exercise standing.
The triceps are bigger than the biceps, but on most people, typically both muscles will be at a similar strength level.