
What is a Pec Stretch?

A pec stretch is any stretch that elongates the pectoral muscles (your chest) to improve elasticity, flexibility, and range of motion. These muscles help you move your shoulders and pull your arms across your body. Tense chest muscles, like you’d get from sitting hunched over at a desk are common in lifestyles with a lot of sitting. They can negatively impact your posture and even cause shoulder or back pain. Because of this, it's a good idea to stretch your pectoral muscles out.


  1. Stand perpendicular beside a wall or doorway.
  2. Bend your arm upwards 90 degrees and place your elbow and hand against the wall.
  3. Turn your body away from the side being stretched.
  4. Hold and breathe for 30 seconds. Switch arms and repeat.

Muscle Worked

Primary Muscle Groups


Your chest helps you move your arms across your body and up and down while stabilizing the shoulders

Secondary Muscle Groups


Your shoulders are ball-and-socket joints which connect your arms to your torso

Pro Tips

  • Control Your Breath: Inhale before your stretch, then exhale slowly as you lean into it. This helps you relax deeper into the position.
  • Engage Your Core Muscles: In upright standing stretches, keep your core slightly engaged to avoid arching your back. This helps isolate the stretch to your chest and shoulders.


  • Posture: If you’ve got sloped shoulders or tend to round out your upper back too much, pec muscle stretches open up your chest and lengthen tight muscles.
  • Chest Flexibility: Pec stretches increase the range of motion in your shoulders and chest so daily movements feel smoother and easier.


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