Alternating incline dumbbell curls are a bicep curl variation that you do sitting on an incline bench. The best incline bench angle for this curl is 45 degrees. It puts your arms behind your body, so your biceps get more of a stretch and an extended range of motion. To do this exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand, facing your palms forward. Alternate curling one dumbbell at a time towards your body, letting the other arm hang down below your bench. Alternating incline dumbbell curls are a powerful exercise for both the long and short heads of your biceps. They put slightly more emphasis on the long head (the part at the outside of your arm when your palms face up) since the angle you use extends your range of motion. It’s an excellent way to build strength and a good bicep peak exercise to create more volume in your upper arms.
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using the same equipment:
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using different equipment:
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