Cross-body hammer curls are a variation of the traditional hammer curl exercise. In this variation, you curl one dumbbell diagonally across your body towards the opposite shoulder, then switch to the other side. This dumbbell curl variation uses a hammer grip. That means your palms are facing toward each other. This is also referred to as “neutral grip” in other exercises, like the neutral grip pull-up. Using a hammer grip means less stress on your wrist joints compared to a traditional bicep curl. This is a move that can help improve upper body strength and build stronger bicep muscles.
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using the same equipment:
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using different equipment:
To warm up before cross-body hammer curls, try arm circles. These involve rotating your arms in circles to energize you, increase blood flow and wake up your shoulder joints.
Try a wrist flexor stretch. This helps you stretch your forearm and wrist to relax and work on your joint flexibility.
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