The barbell shrug is a weighted exercise that targets the trapezius muscles to help your shoulders grow. In this exercise, you raise your shoulders toward your ears, holding a barbell in front of your thighs in an overhand grip.
This is one of the best shoulder-strengthening exercises you can perform. It isolates the trapezius muscle group as your muscles contract. Barbell shrugs are a great way to promote growth in your trapezius muscles.
Using this move, you can start to build stronger shoulders, improve the look of your upper back and get more shoulder stability. Strengthening your shoulders also helps you to prevent shoulder injuries to the area. It can help with strengthening your muscles and building up skeletal muscle for a stronger frame.
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using the same equipment:
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using different equipment:
This dynamic shoulder warm-up helps you create some movement in the shoulder joints, stimulating the surrounding muscles to prepare for more intense exercise.
This stretch involves pulling the arm laterally across your body to stretch out your shoulders and upper back.
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