A barbell shoulder press is a strength exercise that targets your shoulder muscles. It’s especially good at hitting the deltoids— the muscles at the tops of your shoulders that help create the ‘3D shoulders’ look. It’s also beneficial for your triceps and if you have bad chest genetics, it can help you grow the upper chest. To do this exercise, you hold a barbell at shoulder height with an overhand grip, keeping your elbows bent, and press your bar straight overhead. This compound exercise is a great way to build shoulder strength, stability, and muscle definition. If you’ve got sloped shoulders or bad shoulder genetics, performing the barbell press for shoulder muscles is a great way to help even out imbalances. You can do this exercise either seated or standing for different emphasis and engagement on your stabilizing muscles.
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using the same equipment:
The following exercises target the same primary muscles using different equipment:
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