Learn about how the Bulgarian Split Squat builds lower body strength, improves balance, and corrects muscle imbalances.
The Bulgarian Split Squat is deeply loved and respected among weightlifters all over the world, and for good reason — it is a killer leg day workout.
Adding the Bulgarian split squats to your routine not only makes your legs stronger, but it can also improve your balance and correct muscle imbalances. This article goes over everything you need to know about this exercise: how to perform it correctly, its benefits, variations, and how to incorporate it into your workout routine. Read on and become a master of the Bulgarian split squat!
The Bulgarian split squat is a variation of the traditional squat that consists of squatting with one leg at a time while the other leg rests elevated on a bench or platform. It recruits the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, however, the position places more emphasis on the front leg, which ends up putting more load on the quads. So if you’re on a quest for big, strong legs, this is the exercise for you.
The Bulgarian split squat is a compound exercise that targets the lower body muscles:
Since you’re doing the exercise one leg at a time it can help correct strength imbalances between the legs while promoting muscle growth and stability.
The Bulgarian split squat is a trial of form and balance. Start with a low weight and follow these steps to perform it correctly:
While the exercise is quite simple, there are some important mistakes you should avoid, such as:
Here are some tips to help you master the Bulgarian split squat:
The Bulgarian split squat is an excellent leg compound exercise. It will engage all the main muscles in the leg while also improving your balance. It will also bring benefits to your hip flexors’ stability and, since it is performed one leg at a time it will make sure your legs are worked evenly, preventing muscle imbalances that can look weird and even cause injuries.
To keep things interesting and challenging, try these Bulgarian split squat variations:
Perfect for beginners who are still mastering the proper form of the exercise.
Add dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell for increased resistance, and don’t forget to progressively overload so you can make gains effectively.
If you’re in for a challenge, try using a Bosu ball or balance pad to further defy your stability.
Finally, if you want to improve your vertical jump or your ability to imprint force quickly (your explosion) try to jump for explosive power training.
By this point in the article, you’re ready to start doing Bulgarian split squats. Here’s how to properly add them to your routine and how to progress:
So there you have it, everything you need to master the Bulgarian split squat. Regularly practicing this exercise is a surefire way to transform your legs from walking sticks to strong and chiseled pillars of power. Remember, consistency is key, start with the basics, focus on form, and gradually increase weight. In no time, you’ll have the legs you dream of.
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