Get a Round Butt: Top Booty Workouts to Try for a Better Shape

Here is a simple guide on how to get a round butt with targeted exercises. Learn about the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus muscles.

Flex Editorial Team
January 12, 2024
10 min read

It’s peach season, baby!

Make this your year and get the butt you’ve always dreamed of.

We’ll take you through a few of the best booty-building exercises you can try if you’re looking for glute gains.

Let’s take a look at some of the best techniques for building a shapely backside in 2024. What makes our butts get volume and shape anyway?

We’ll look at a few top fat-busting, booty-building moves you can incorporate into your workout routine.

Plus, understand the waist-hip ratio and why a big butt is so sought after. And learn more about how your gluteal muscles work hard, not just to make you look good, but for functional movement and athletic performance too.

Read on to learn how to become the best in class.

Round Butt

Kim Kardashian’s butt

How would you define a round butt?

These booties are notorious for having a bubble shape or sticking out like a shelf (so round you can balance a glass on it!). Round butts (like heart-shaped butts) are also considered one of the sexiest butt shapes you can have.

Although a nice butt is important for everyone, it is scientifically proven that it can make you more attractive.

In women, a low waist-to-hip ratio (big butt, small waist) is considered one of the most important traits of physical attractiveness. Think about some of the most famous women in popular media, like Kim Kardashian. Living proof that great assets can catapult you to the top.

Having a curvy figure, with small waists and ample booty signals good health and potential for better reproductive health and fertility to would-be mates. Although a ratio of 0.7 is cited as the “ideal” waist-to-hip ratio, individual preferences vary a lot. However, research indicates that women with low waist-to-hip ratios are considered more attractive than those with high waist-to-hip ratios overall.

Waist-to-hip ratio attractiveness and low body fat around the stomach play an instrumental role in female beauty customs.

Furthermore, a great booty will help your body look more balanced from head to toe. A proportionate body is one of the most important factors for physical aesthetics.

It’s long been the standard throughout many cultures, for instance, in Greek philosophy, they devoted a whole field of study to aesthetics, including Greek aesthetics of the body. A proportionate, balanced figure was key here.

Is it Unhealthy to Have a Big Butt?

Having a big butt may also be good for your health too!

Especially for women, extra weight in your gluteofemoral area (hips, thighs, and butt) carries a lower cardiovascular risk.

Your butt may stop hearts by looking so good you make heads turn. But when it comes to your own heart, a big butt can be very healthy.

Holding weight in the booty also takes fat distribution away from your gut area. Visceral abdominal fat is the fat that sits around your gut and crawls between your organs.

Too much of this can give you the “beer gut” or “dad bod” look (yes, ladies, you can get beer guts too!). Not only do most people not feel confident with higher abdominal fat, but it puts a lot of pressure on your heart health, potentially leading to issues like heart attack or stroke.

Now that we understand how rounder butts can be good for you, let’s start learning how to build them.

What muscles are going to work that make your booty round?

Look at the glute muscles and see what happens in your body when you work to activate them.

Gluteus Maximus

Gluteus Maximus muscle

Fun fact: Did you know your gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle in your body?

Although we often use the term “gluteus maximus” (along with rump, rear, booty, derriere, tush, bonus points if you can come up with your own, etc.) as a synonym for “butt,” this big muscle is actually just one butt component.

Sitting at the very center and back of your glute muscle group, the gluteus maximus works to straighten your leg at the hip joint and bring the leg into full extension when you lift it.

It also helps you externally rotate your thighs to turn your legs out.

Gluteus Medius

Gluteus Medius muscle

The gluteus medius sits between the gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus muscles.

You work this muscle mostly during side-glute exercises.

Listen up if you are going for a round shape. The medius and side glute area often gets neglected when it comes to isolation moves that will build a bigger, more proportionate butt.

However, filling this muscle out and achieving hypertrophy will help you get a more balanced look to the glutes. Too many people have square butts, carrying a lot more fat and muscle at the top of the booty with straight sides along the hips.

Building out the medius muscles will give you the rounded shape throughout your mid-butt that you’re looking for.

Moves like a one-legged leg press or banded hip abduction warm-up can be beneficial to build up your gluteus medius.

Gluteus Minimus

Gluteus Minimus muscle

The gluteus minimus is your smallest gluteal muscle.

Although it may be little, the minimus is mighty.

It mostly works to abduct your hip (move your leg away from your body) and help with hip rotation.

All three gluteal muscles work in tandem to create a powerful glute area and help the posterior chain muscles along the back of your body. Building a strong posterior chain helps you run, jump, sit, get up, and perform basically any movement you’ll need in your everyday life.

A strong posterior chain can also help alleviate lower back pain.

Keeping this in mind, how do we get our booties to be better? Let’s take a look at a few of the best moves you can use to build a rounder rear.

Round Butt Exercises


Squats are known for being one of the best exercises for a round butt. Although they do target the glutes, squats are also a fantastic move for your hamstrings and quads.

When it comes to building a proportionate body, this is a key step. Think about it: who wants a giant derriere on top of toothpick legs? Not so aesthetic, right?

Doing squats with proper form helps not only your butt but the rest of your leg muscles. This way you get shape and definition the whole way down.

Get to know good squat form to build that butt and keep your hips safe.

  • Step up to your squat rack, stepping underneath your bar to load it onto your shoulders.
  • Balancing the barbell across your shoulders and back with your elbows tucked in and pointing towards the floor, step away from the squat cage.
  • Descend into your squat, sending your hips back and down and bending your knees. Keep your torso engaged and upright. Drop down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • At the bottom of your movement, drive through your feet to bring yourself back up to a standing position.
  • Repeat as needed. For beginners, start with 3 sets of 10-12 light reps.
  • More advanced squatters looking to increase weight should aim for 3-4 sets of 6 heavier reps.

Glute Bridges

  • You can do this move with or without weight for a booty burn.
  • Plant your feet hip-distance apart while lying on your back. If you are using weight, let it rest across your hip bones. You can use a pad or folded yoga mat to protect your pelvis if you find a weight hurts your hip bones.
  • Push through the feet, squeeze your glutes, and drive your hips upwards.
  • Think about sending your hips towards the sky.
  • Hold this move for a moment, then slowly come down with control.
  • Repeat as needed.
  • For beginners, aim to do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. More experienced lifters can try 3-4 sets of 6 heavy reps to target the glutes.
  • If you prefer, you can pulse your glute bridges at the top of the move to create more heat. Or try glute bridge hold: Hold the movement for 20 seconds at the top, then slowly roll through the spine to bring the hips down with control.


The deadlift is an ideal move to build your hamstrings and glutes and get a bigger booty.

Since deadlifts allow you to pull weight up from the floor, rather than balancing a barbell on your shoulders, this is a great way to get heavy reps in for big muscle building.

To do a proper deadlift:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hinge from your hips, reaching down to grab your barbell so your palms face backward. Keep your grip slightly wider than the hips.
  • From this position, keep a neutral spine and think about pushing your chest upward.
  • Drive through your feet, pushing into the floor as you lift the bar just in front of your shins.
  • At the top of the movement, drive your hips forward slightly and engage the glutes.
  • Hold for a moment, then slowly lower your weight down with straight arms.
  • Repeat as needed. If you’re new, try 3 sets of 10-12 reps with lighter weight. For experienced lifters, try 3-4 sets of 6 reps with heavier weight to target your glutes.

Hip Thrust

Similar to the glute bridge, but different, a hip thrust elevates your body so you get more range of motion in your hips.

  • Using a weight bench, sit on the floor and place the upper part of your back against the bench.
  • Roll a barbell over the top of your legs, bringing it to rest at your hip crease, right against the tops of your thighs. You can use a pad or folded yoga mat to protect your pelvis if you find a weight hurts your hip bones.
  • Push through the feet, squeeze your glutes, and drive your hips upwards.
  • Think about sending your hips towards the sky.
  • Bring your body up until the front body comes to a straight position and your knees are bent at 90 degrees.
  • Hold this move for a moment, then slowly come down with control.
  • Repeat as needed.
  • For beginners, aim to do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. More experienced lifters can try 3-4 sets of 6 heavy reps to target the glutes.
  • Hold or pulse at the top to increase the burn. You can also perform a hip thrust hold by holding your hips up to feel a burn.

Big Picture

If you have big dreams of a big butt, you’ll need to focus on working and developing your glutes.

Working the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, helps you gain size and a round shape in your buttocks.

Storing more fat in your butt vs. your stomach can even be healthier for you, with less risk of negative cardiovascular health.

For new lifters focus on training these butt-builder moves at approximately 3 sets of 10 reps. This lets you get comfortable with weight training and with foundational exercises like squats and deadlifts. If you’re more experienced and looking to build strength or put more work in the glutes compared to the rest of the legs, aim for fewer reps per set at a higher weight.

Focus on lifting weights at least 2-3 days per week. Incorporate single leg exercises too if you really struggle to see growth.

Make sure to maintain a healthy body weight. The butt can be one of the best looking body parts for men and women if you train properly.

Focus on a healthy diet so you don't accumulate too much visceral fat or subcutaneous fat. This can elevate your body mass index (BMI). If you're overweight, a bit of weight loss may be beneficial to your butt shape and total body in the long term.

Though leg and glute day may be considered feminine, guys need nice butts too! Don’t be that guy who skips leg day. Besides, a nice bum looks great paired with V-lined abs for a strong and balanced build.

Training Tips

Want more booty training tips? Learn more about the different butt shapes instead or transform your square booty into a round one to get that coveted hourglass figure.

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Del Zotto, M., Framorando, D., & Pegna, A. J. (2020). Waist-to-hip ratio affects female body attractiveness and modulates early brain responses. The European journal of neuroscience, 52(11), 4490–4498.

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