Rich Piana Arm Workout: 8 Exercises to Build Massive Arms

If you’ve ever watched a video of Rich Piana or seen pictures of him, two things probably stood out immediately: his massive arms and his larger-than-life personality.

Flex Editorial Team
October 6, 2024
7 min read

Rich wasn’t just a bodybuilder; he was a guy who believed in pushing limits and doing things his own way. And when it came to arm training, he had some pretty unique ideas.

In this article, we’re going to dive into Rich Piana’s arm workout. We’ll cover the exercises, the reps, the sets, and, of course, his famous “8-hour arm workout” that’s become legendary in the bodybuilding world.

Whether you’re looking to add some serious size to your arms or just curious about Piana’s approach, you’re in the right place.

Rich Piana’s Approach to Arm Training

Rich Piana wasn’t your typical bodybuilder. Sure, he lifted heavy weights, but his philosophy on training was a bit different from most. He believed in high-volume training, which means doing a lot of sets and reps to really pump the muscles full of blood.

For him, it wasn’t just about lifting the heaviest weights possible; it was about feeling the muscle work and getting that insane pump. If you want to follow his approach, you should follow these rules:

High-Volume Training

When we say “high-volume,” we’re talking about a lot of work. Piana would often do 20 or more sets for biceps and triceps in a single workout. That’s a ton of volume compared to most traditional bodybuilding routines, where you might see 12-15 sets total for a muscle group. The idea behind this is simple: the more you work the muscle, the more it grows. At least, that’s what Rich believed.

Supersets and Intensity

Rich was also a big fan of supersets. If you’re not familiar with it, a superset is when you do two exercises back-to-back without resting in between. Arm training usually means doing a bicep exercise followed immediately by a tricep exercise. This kept the intensity high and helped him get through those long workouts without losing focus.

Mind-Muscle Connection

One thing Rich always emphasized was the mind-muscle connection. He wasn’t just throwing dumbbells around. He was focusing on each rep, making sure he felt the muscle working. He often talked about how important it was to really "feel" the biceps or triceps contracting during each set. For him, it wasn’t just about moving the weight from point A to point B; it was about making every rep count.

Rich Piana’s Arm Workout Routine

So, what did a typical Rich Piana arm workout look like? Well, buckle up, because it’s intense. Here’s an example of one of his high-volume arm workouts, focusing on both biceps and triceps.

Do the following exercises to build arms like Rich Piana:

1. Barbell Curls

4 sets of 15-20 reps.

This is your classic bicep peak exercise. Rich would often use a moderate weight and focus on controlling the movement. No swinging or cheating here, just pure bicep contraction.

2. Tricep Pushdowns

4 sets of 15-20 reps.

Superset these with barbell curls. The rope attachment allows for a better range of motion, but the tricep V bar pushdown is also an option.

3. Dumbbell Hammer Curls

4 sets of 15-20 reps.

Hammer curls hit the brachialis, the muscle that lies underneath the biceps, helping to add overall arm thickness.

4. Overhead Tricep Extensions (Dumbbell or EZ Bar)

4 sets of 15-20 reps.

Superset these with hammer curls. This tricep isolation exercise targets the long head of the triceps, which is essential for building that horseshoe shape.

5. Preacher Curls

4 sets of 12-15 reps.

Preacher curls are great for isolating the biceps. Rich would often use lighter weights here and focus on a slow, controlled movement, especially at the beginning of the range of motion.

6. Skull Crushers

4 sets of 12-15 reps.

Superset these with preacher curls. Skull crushers are a killer tricep exercise, especially when done with good form. Keep your elbows tucked in and lower the bar slowly. Additionally, if you want more time under tension, try the cable skull crusher variation.

7. Concentration Curls

3 sets of 12-15 reps.

This is more of a finisher. Concentration curls help you focus on the bicep contraction, ensuring you’re getting the most out of each rep.

8. Tricep Dips

3 sets to failure.

Finish off the workout with dips. You can do these with just your body weight or add some plates for extra resistance.

Pro Tips for Success

  • Focus on the pump: Rich always emphasized getting a massive pump during his workouts. The idea is to flood the muscles with blood, which he believed helped them grow faster.
  • Keep rest periods short: 30-60 seconds between sets will keep your heart rate up and the intensity high.
  • Use moderate weight: It’s not about going as heavy as possible. Piana often used weights that allowed him to hit 12-20 reps with good form.

The Famous 8-Hour Arm Workout

Now, let’s talk about the 8-hour arm workout, one of the most extreme training challenges Rich Piana ever came up with. This workout has become legendary, partly because of how insane it sounds, and partly because it works, well, at least for some people.

What is the 8-Hour Arm Workout?

The 8-hour arm workout is exactly what it sounds like: you train your arms for 8 hours. Yes, you read that right. The idea is to perform short mini-workouts every 30 minutes throughout the day, focusing on just two exercises: barbell curls for biceps and tricep pushdowns for triceps.

How It Works

  1. Every 30 minutes, perform 4 sets of barbell curls and 4 sets of tricep pushdowns.
  2. Rest for the remaining time until the next 30-minute mark.
  3. In between mini-workouts, eat a meal or drink a protein shake to keep your energy levels up.
  4. Repeat this process for 8 hours.

It sounds crazy, and it is. But the idea behind it is to completely shock the muscles into growth by hitting them over and over again throughout the day. Rich would often say that this workout wasn’t just about building muscle; it was a mental challenge as much as a physical one.

Is It Effective?

The 8-hour arm workout is definitely something you should NOT do regularly. It’s more of a one-time challenge to see how far you can push your limits. Some people have reported gaining up to an inch on their arms in just one day, but keep in mind that a lot of that is temporary muscle swelling (the pump) rather than actual muscle growth and there’s no scientific evidence that working out for 8 hours straight with 30-minute intervals will result in bigger gains.

Still, if you’re looking for a crazy challenge and want to see what your arms are capable of, it might be worth trying. Just make sure you’re ready for the mental and physical grind and, please, respect your body’s limits.

Rich Piana’s Arm Training Tips

Rich wasn’t just about lifting weights; he was about lifting weights the right way. Here are a few of his best tips for arm training:

  • Form over weight: Rich always stressed the importance of good form. Don’t just throw weights around. Focus on feeling the muscle work and controlling the movement.
  • Train for the pump: Getting a good pump was one of Rich’s main goals in every workout. He believed that the pump was a sign that you were really working the muscle.
  • Consistency is key: One of Rich’s biggest messages was that consistency beats everything. You can have the best workout routine in the world, but if you’re not consistent with it, you won’t see results.
  • Supplements help, but hard work is the foundation: Rich was known for his use of supplements, but he always made it clear that they were just the icing on the cake. Hard work and dedication were the real keys to success.

How to Incorporate Rich Piana’s Arm Workout into Your Routine

If you’re ready to give Rich Piana’s arm workout a try, here’s how to fit it into your routine:

  • Frequency: Perform this workout 1-2 times per week, depending on your recovery ability. If you’re doing the 8-hour arm workout, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to recover afterward.
  • Complementing other workouts: You can fit this arm workout into a broader training split, such as a 3-day workout split, a traditional push-pull-legs routine, or an upper-lower split.
  • Recovery: Don’t forget about recovery. Rich was a big believer in proper nutrition, rest, and hydration. Make sure you’re eating enough calories and getting enough protein to support muscle growth.


Rich Piana’s arm workout isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s intense, high-volume, and requires a ton of dedication. But if you’re looking to build massive arms and push your limits, it’s definitely worth a try. Whether you’re doing his regular arm workout or attempting the infamous 8-hour arm workout, just remember: it’s all about consistency, intensity, and, most importantly, the pump.

So, are you ready to train like Rich Piana and get the arms of a Greek god? We’ve made it simple to work on customized fitness plans or to introduce a little friendly competition to your fitness community by sharing exercises with your friends. Get started for free through the Flex fitness app

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