Long Lever Plank: Tips, Techniques, and Variations

Today, we’re diving into the long lever plank, an advanced variation of the traditional plank that’s sure to challenge your core like never before.

young athlete girl doing long lever plank
Flex Editorial Team
August 30, 2024
4 min read

Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or just someone looking to spice up their workout routine, the long lever plank is a fantastic exercise to add to your arsenal. Let’s break it down and turn your skinny abs into muscular ones!

What Exactly is a Long Lever Plank?

The long lever plank is a twist on the classic plank. Imagine your regular plank, but with your arms extended further forward. This increases the distance between your hands and feet, creating a longer lever (hence the name). This compound core exercise increases the challenge, demanding more from your core muscles to keep you stable. 

Why Should You Try the Long Lever Plank?

Now, let's check out some of the benefits of long lever plank:

1. Supercharged Core Strength

First and foremost, the long lever plank is an absolute core crusher. By extending your arms, you’re making your core work overtime to keep you steady. This means more muscle activation, a stronger core, and the development of those coveted v-lines.

2. Better Stability and Balance

Holding that extended position isn’t just about brute strength; it’s also about balance and stability. This exercise helps improve your body awareness and muscular coordination, which are crucial for any athletic activity.

3. Shoulder and Upper Back Workout

Your shoulders and upper back get a serious workout too. The long lever plank places extra stress on these areas, making it a great exercise for building upper body strength and stability. Perfect for those who want to improve their performance in sports or just look good in a tank top!

4. Posture Perks

A strong core supports your spine and helps maintain proper alignment, which can lead to better posture and a reduction in back pains.

How to Perform the Long Lever Plank

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of performing the long lever plank correctly. Follow these steps to ensure you’re doing it right and reap all the benefits.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Get into a traditional plank with your forearms on the ground, elbows directly under your shoulders, and your body forming a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Slowly walk your hands forward, extending your arms so that your hands are positioned further away from your shoulders. It’s ok if your back rounds a little.
  3. Tighten your abs, glutes, and quads to maintain a stable position. No sagging hips or picking up!
  4. Maintain the extended plank position for as long as you can while keeping proper form. Aim to hold the plank for 20-30 seconds initially, gradually increasing the duration as you build strength.
  5. Slowly walk your hands back to the standard plank position and then lower your body to the ground to rest.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Sagging Hips: Keep those hips up! Letting them drop can strain your lower back.
  • Piked Hips: Don’t let your hips shoot up towards the ceiling. Keep that straight line.
  • Improper Hand Placement: Make sure your hands are positioned correctly to maintain the extended lever.

Adding the Long Lever Plank to Your Workout Routine

So, how do you fit this exercise into your regular workout routine? Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Warm-Up Properly

Always start with a good warm-up to get your muscles and joints ready. Dynamic stretches and light cardio are great options to increase blood flow and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Start with Short Durations

If you’re new to the long lever plank, start with shorter durations and gradually increase the time as you build strength and endurance. Aim for 20-30 seconds initially and work your way up to 60 seconds or more.

3. Combine with Other Core Exercises

Mix it up! Combine the long lever plank with other core exercises like weighted ab exercises, side planks, and Russian twists. This variety will help target different muscle groups and keep your workouts interesting.

4. Use Proper Progressions

As you get more comfortable with the long lever plank, try increasing the challenge by incorporating progression. 

For example, lift one leg off the ground or add a stability ball to further engage your core muscles. In the next section, you’ll find some fun long lever plank variations.

5. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body feels. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the exercise and consult a fitness professional if necessary.

Long Lever Plank Variations to Keep Things Interesting

To keep your workouts fresh and challenging, try these variations of the long lever plank:

1. Long Lever Plank with Leg Lift

This variation adds an extra challenge by lifting one leg off the ground while maintaining the extended plank position. This increases the demand on your core and glutes.

2. Long Lever Plank with Arm Reach

Extend one arm forward while holding the long lever plank position. This further challenges your balance and stability.

3. Long Lever Plank on Stability Ball

Performing the long lever plank with your hands on a stability ball adds an element of instability, requiring greater core engagement to maintain balance.

The Takeaway

The long lever plank is a great exercise that can significantly boost your core strength, stability, and overall fitness. By incorporating this advanced plank variation into your workout routine, you can challenge your muscles in new ways and sculpt your dream physique. Remember to start slowly, focus on proper form, and gradually increase the intensity as you build strength. With consistency and dedication, the long lever plank can become a valuable addition to your fitness toolkit.

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