Does Body Beast Actually Work? An In-Depth Review

What is body beast program and does it really work? Learn who needs this program and how other athletes think about this program...

Flex Editorial Team
June 21, 2024
7 min read

If you've ever tried to get your body in perfect shape for summer, you’ve probably heard about Body Beast. This fitness program claims to have cracked the code on muscle building and promises to deliver a strong, lean, and chiseled body fast.

All that with an easy-to-follow workout routine you can implement at home with the right equipment.

But does a Body Beast schedule really work? In this article, we’ll examine what the program entails, compare it to other fitness programs, read some real weightlifters' testimonies, and find out who Body Beast is made for.

What is Body Beast?

Created by the former two-time Mr. Israel Sagi Kalev, Body Beast is a high-intensity, muscle-building program that aims to help people at all fitness levels gain muscle mass quickly. It can be implemented at the gym and also at home if you have the right equipment.

Body beast is divided into three main phases: Build, Bulk, and Beast, lasting 90 days in total.

1. Build Phase

The build phase is the shorter introductory phase of the Body Beast program. It lasts three weeks and is designed to familiarize you with the program. The focus is on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups, such as squats and deadlifts. You are also taught proper form in all exercises and given tips on stabilizing your core and breathing properly during workouts.

2. Bulk Phase

The bulk phase is when things start to get tough. It lasts six weeks and focuses on heavy lifting with proper form while targeting specific muscle groups. In this phase, the muscle-building magic starts to happen, and you begin to see clear gains as you maximize muscle hypertrophy.

3. Beast Phase

The beast phase is the final stretch of your Body Beast calendar. Like the build phase, it also lasts for three weeks, but those are the most intense weeks of the program.

Here, you’ll aim for a strong finish with high-intensity exercises and incorporating some cardio to help shed any excess fat and reveal those well-earned gains.

Young Man Working Out Biceps with Dumbbell for body beast program

What Muscle Groups are Targeted by Body Beast Program?

As the name suggests, Body Beast is a full-body training program. That means it targets all major muscle groups with the goal of a major body transformation in about 90 days. The program includes a variety of exercises that focus on different areas of the body.

So, if you want a body beast bulk back or body beast ripped abs, the program has got you covered.

What Equipment Is Needed for the Body Beast Program?

The Body Beast program was created to be done at home, so its equipment requirements are relatively simple. All you need is a set of dumbbells and a bench or stability ball.

The weight of the dumbbells will depend on your strength, of course. The program can also be easily done from a gym if you have a membership.

woman exercising with dumbbell

Should You Follow the Body Beast Program More Than Once?

Yes, you should, especially if you’re starting your fitness journey.

Body Beast is a great program, but 90 days is too soon for newcomers to reach the body they dream about. Muscle gain involves consistency and time, and you are probably looking at multiple rounds of the program before achieving jacked pecs or shredded abs.

It is also important to note that although Body Beast offers warm-up and cooling-down drills before and after every exercise session, it provides little to no tips on stretching and general flexibility.

So, multiple back-to-back rounds of Body Beast may make you more prone to injuries over time. If you are considering doing so, it is recommended that you add some sort of stretching, such as yoga, to your exercise routine.

How is the Body Beast Compared to Other Fitness Programs?

Body Beast is just one of several famous fitness programs available, but how is it compared? The main one we can talk about is the also famous P90X. Both promise an intense body transformation in a short period of time, but they approach it differently.

While P90X offers a more spread-out approach to fitness, focusing on mobility, cardio, muscle-gaining, etc., Body Beast has only one goal: to make you look jacked. It offers a true body-building exercise routine to the detriment of other fitness aspects but delivers the results it promises.

Who is the Body Beast Program For?

The Body Beast program is perfect for those only interested in muscle gain. It is more suitable for intermediate weightlifters, but beginners can also do it with the proper focus on form and technique.

Its methods are tried and tested for reaching hypertrophy, and Sagi Kalev does an excellent job sensibly implementing them. It also goes beyond the workout routine and offers meal planning, recovery strategies, and supplementing tips.

Basically, Body Beast provides all the information you need to succeed in your muscle-gaining journey if you are willing to do the work.

However, if your main goal is not muscle gain, the program might not be suitable for you. It offers a weight loss strategy, but it does not go as in-depth on it as it does on hypertrophy gains.

If you are looking for a more well-rounded approach to training, you might want to try something different, like the PHAT Workout or the Bro Split.

Body Beast Testimonials

As of the writing of this article, the Body Beast program has been around for about twelve years, and many people have already had the opportunity to test it. Below, you’ll find a compilation of reviews and testimonials that will help you get a better understanding of the program:

On a Reddit post about the efficiency of Body Beast, user “SDT232” wrote:

“Body beast is efficient and effective, but it has its limitations, as any other program/techniques, even in gyms. That’s why professionals will alternate between programs during the year.

Beast is my go to beachbody program. For muscle growth and resistance training, they don’t have better, and honestly, it’s a solid program even in gym environment. For sure, it’s pretty much a bro split, a many prefer PPL, but they just serves two different fitness purposes.

PPL is good for overall strength since you’re always working multiple muscles at once, but for definition, a bro split is better. In the context of beachbody, they had a lot of functional fitness stuff with P90X (and later The Work), and a lot of intense cardio stuff with the Insanity series…. But nothing for intense weight lifting with focus on hypertrophy. So it made sense to make a program like this one, then alternate on another available style during the year.”

Another interesting perspective comes from user “Josechung2310”:

“Body beast is a product of it's time - extreme workouts, high energy and loud trainers. It was designed to target young males and be done in the basement.

There are plenty of more effective ways to build muscle but that'll involve about £1k in equipment and a lot more room than I have. Or a gym, so screw that.

I love beast, done it at least 15 times over the years and I keep coming back because it's fun (love sagi and the cast. I still laugh at the same stupid things I did 9 years ago) and I see progress at the end of the program. Sure my progress is limited by diet and how heavy I go (I stop at 30kg dumbbells) but I'm 100% happy as I set reasonable expectations.

You have to be at peace with how you train and enjoy the process. Totally fine if BB isn't for you or if you feel you need a change.”

And if you’re still curious to see some Body Beast transformations, here are a few posts on Reddit that have before and after pictures:

Nothing but Body Beast! This program is the truth!

Round 3 Complete! Baby Got Back 😎

Final Word

Body Beast may not be for everyone. Its "gym bro" vibe and intensive workout routine might scare people who are not looking to absolutely shred themselves at every single workout session.

However, the testimonies do not lie. Even though you might not be a bodybuilder or a powerlifter ( readBodybuilder Vs. Powerlifter: Differences & Considerations” for more info on that), Body Beast is sure to give you the muscles you've always wanted in a manageable time frame.

Ready to conquer those gains with Body Beast? Then download the Flex app and take your workouts to the next level with an easy-to-use auto progression, body weight tracker, plate calculator, and much more. Get fit with Flex!



John Paul Parrot. ULTIMATE REVIEW: BODY BEAST – Part 1 of 2. Dysfunctional Parrot. (accessed 2024-05-31).

Body Beast Review & Results. THE COOK AND THE COACH. (accessed 2024-05-31).

Palmer, N. This Fitness Regimen Will Get You Ripped Like A Beast In No Time. AskMen. (accessed 2024-05-31).

None Krzysztofik; Wilk, N.; None Wojdała; None Gołaś. Maximizing Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review of Advanced Resistance Training Techniques and Methods. International journal of environmental research and public health/International journal of environmental research and public health 2019, 16 (24), 4897–4897.

Reddit - Dive into anything. (accessed 2024-05-31).

Marks, H. Workout Injuries: Prevention and Treatment. WebMD. (accessed 2024-05-31).

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